
This section provides an overview of the Red Team job endpoints available for starting and monitoring red teaming tasks.

Enkrypt AI Red Team task/job can be started using the following endpoints:


Red Team Job Endpoints


The /add-task endpoint is used to add a new task or job for starting the red teaming process. To start the task, you need to configure the following information:

    "redteam_test_configurations": {
        "injection_attacks": {
            "sample_percentage": 100,
            "test_methods": [
        "malware": {
            "sample_percentage": 100,
            "test_methods": [
        "privacy_attack": {
            "sample_percentage": 100,
            "test_methods": [
        "hallucination": {
            "sample_percentage": 100,
            "test_methods": [
        "toxicity": {
            "sample_percentage": 100,
            "test_methods": [
        "bias": {
            "sample_percentage": 100,
            "test_methods": [
    "target_model_configuration": {
        "model_name": "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct",
        "model_version": null,
        "model_access_method": "Anyscale Endpoint",
        "model_type": "text_to_text",
        "system_prompt": null,
        "conversation_template": null,
        "model_source": "https://docs.anyscale.com/",
        "model_provider": "Meta",
        "model_endpoint_url": "https://api.endpoints.anyscale.com/v1/chat/completions",
        "model_api_key": API_KEY

After adding a task, it will return a task_id, for example:

task_id: c1a03d35-01d4-4439-8d00-b9130d3a24e4


The /task-status endpoint is used to check the status of a task or job. You can check the task status by providing the task_id obtained from the /add-task endpoint.

Feel free to explore the other available endpoints and their functionalities.